SSSC Code of Practice for Social Service Workers
The Code of Practice for Social Service Workers sets out clear standards of professional conduct and practice that social service workers must meet in their everyday work.
Workers are responsible for making sure they meet the required standards and that nothing they do, or don’t do, harms the wellbeing of people who use services. The Code is part of the wider package of legislation, practice standards and employers’ policies and procedures that social service workers must meet.
We expect social service workers to meet the standards in the Code and may take action if registered workers fail to do so.
SSSC Code of Practice for Social Service Employers
The SSSC Code of Practice for Social Service Employers sets out the responsibilities of employers in the regulation of social service workers.
Employers are responsible for making sure they meet the required standards and support their workers to meet the standards set out in the Code for Social Service Workers.
The Care Inspectorate take the Codes of Practice into account during inspection of services and may take action to support improvement or require change if providers don’t meet the required standards.